
Don't Tell Me What To Do

     Was I going to die? My mind was full of terrible thoughts. (p.51)

     I read the book "Don't Tell Me What To Do." This is a story of a boy who left his house and wanted to be free from his parents. He wants to do what he like, but their parents don't understand him, so he leaves his house without even saying goodbye to them.
      He wants to go London and wants to work there, but he has no ways to go to. Fortunately, a man named Masters take him with his car and they talk for hours during the way to London.  He doesn't enough money to live in London, so Masters ask the boy to help his job. The job is dagerous and secret, and Masters doesn't seem to tell true about the job. There are some Masters's strange behavior and he is afraid of not knowing that he is going to do.
     Actually, he gets dangerous situation in the sea and almost die because of Masters. The job Masaters ask the boy is a seeking the drug from the ship which sank in the sea, and taking it back to Masters. So, this is secret and after the job is doen, Maters wants to kill him to keep it secret.
    At the end, one of them can not return the land alive. Who? If you are interested in the end of this story, I want you to read alhough this story is long.

Hardcastle, Michael. (2005). Don't Tell Me WhatTo Do.


Hotel Casanova

     " You can't go without me..."
     " But my love," said Dino, with his hand on her arm, " I need to get away for a day or two. You know I'm very tired."
      " I said NO, " she shouted. (p.19)

     I read the book "Hotel Casanova." This seems to be a wonderful love story until you read the middle of this, but you will notice it's not. I thought so, too, but actually this is a story which make you frightened with the women's too selfish thinking.
    One day, a woman, Carla, and a man, Dino, meet in the hotel he works and they fall in love with each other. The man has a dream to have his own hotel at the age of 30. Altough he is still 21 years old, they get married and he can have a his hotel "Hotel Casanova" because the woman is rich and helps him have it. So, they are happy, really happy. Houever, it doesn't last. One day, Dino has to go away due to his job for a day or two without Carla, but she does not allow it and she says "You can't go anywhere without me," she loves him too much and always wants to keep him near her. This her behavior makes him sick, and he decides to divorce.
     But this woman had another husband before she get married Dino. She actually killed the husband in order to get married Dino and get the all of the husband's money. Dino is told this fact and threatened that "if you divorce me, I'll go to the police and tell that you killed my husband. Stay with me, or you go prison." Dino doesn't know what to do, but he can't stay there because there are risk to be killed by her like her before husband.
     How can Dino escape from her? If you are interested in the end of this story, you should raed it! It's very interesting story for me, so I want you to read.

Leather, Sue. (2005). Hotel Casanova. Cambridge University Press.



      What is camouflage? Animals use camouflage to hide. They use their color or shape to hide. Sometimes you can't see the animals! (p.3)

     I read a book "Camouflage." This book told me some new things I didn't know until I read it. I'll tell you about what I knew from this book.
     First, do you know there are colorful spiders such as yellow or white? I saw the picture which spider is hiding by being the same color as their background, and their beautiful color like flower! But I don't like spiders, so however beautiful color they have, I can't become to like them!!
     Second, do you know there are animals which change their fether's color depending on seasons? Although I knew there are animals which change the kind of their fether depending on seasons to keep their temporature comfortable, I didn't know that animals which change their body color to hide exist. For example, an arctic fox and a grouse are white in winter because when it's winter, around them is full of snow and white, so they can hide and avoid being eaten by their enemy by being the same color as snow. And they are brown in summer because the snow melted and their background becomes brown, so they become brown with same reason I told before.
    This book is interesting for me, and very easy to read. So I want you to read this if you are tired to read difficult and long books, or when you want to have a rest. This book will be your break.

Khanduri, Kamini. (2013.) Camouflage. Oxford University Press.


Young Animals

     Young animals grow up from babies into adults. 
     What young animals do you like?(p.3)

     I read this book "Young Animals." This book is about how to grow up young animals, their sizes, looks, and so on. I could know new things by reading this. I'll tall you about what I knew from this book.
     First, I was surprised to know that the babies of zebra don't have stripe of black and white. They have brown and white stripe. After they become adults, their stripe becomes the same as their parents.
     Second, the size of kangaroo's baby. Do you know how small they are? I didn't know. Their size is as small as a spoon. You can put a baby kangaroo on a spoon!
     Like I said, there are many things we don't know about baby animals. You can know that if you read. This book is very easy to read, so I want you to read this if you are tired to read difficult or long books and if you want to have a break. This book can be your break.

Blaon, Rachel. (2012). Young Animals. Oxford University Press.


The Black Pearls

     ' Some people call him the "Minute Man ".' 'Why?' ' Because one minute he's there and the next minute he's not,' answers Hunter. (p.6-7)

     I read the book "The Black Pearls." There are mainly three people in this story. Peter is a thief and he has stolen anythings ever. He is called the " Minute Man " because one minute he is there, but the next minute he disappears. Hunter and Epati are police officer. They try to get him because Reter plans to steal the black pearls necklace which is so valuable and displayed at their island's museum. Peter is a clever thief and he is good at stealing, so it is not easy for them to get him. They make mamy efforts to get him. Can they get him? If you are interested in the end of this story, I want you to read this book.

Macandrew, Richard. (2008). The Black Pearls. Cambridge University Press.

Happy Week

     I'll talk about this week. On Tuesday, I met my best friend and she stayed my house that night. We talked a lot and the next day we...