
The Stolen White Elephant

     "All goes well for two weeks — then my problems begin. I get a phone call in the middle of the night: the white elephant is stolen." (p.12)

     I read the book "The stolen white elephant" recently. The setting of this story is not now. One day in old days, the white elephant was sent to the Queen of England as a royal present from Siam (Siam is called Thailand now). Although the white elephant was not well, gradually became to be well by taking rest in New York, so things seemed to go well. However the elephant was stolen two weeks later and they started to find him cooperating with Inspector Blunt. It was more difficult than they expected to find him, so no body could not find. Then the deliverer had to raise the reward to seventy- five thousand dollars. It was a lot of money for him, but he did it because he wanted to find him. Three weeks later since the problem had happen, the Inspector seeked help from the thieves, so the deliverer became to have to pay much higher reward. He thought that makes him penniless, but he did that. Finally, the police found the white elephant, but he was dead because of hunger. The deliverer was sad to see the death and he lost his job and all money. However he admired Inspector Blunt as the greatest detective in the world becouse he never gave up even when the deliverer was about to give up finding the white elephant.

Twain Mark. (2007). The stolen white elephant. Helbling Languages.


The Kingdom of the Snow Leopard

     " 'We have to go,' he repeated urgently. 'Where's Tara?' asked Tom with a note of panic in his voice. 'I found her earing on the ground. Have you seen her? Is she all right?' " (p.52)

     I read a book "The Kingdom of the Snow Leopard" recantly. This book is about a boy who is a prince of the Kingdom of the Snow Lropard.  He is Mahir and a student of the school of America. He has a best friend named Tom, so they planned to his country that winter holiday together, but a man was following them for something. They were aware of the man and felt stangely, but tried to forget and enjoy their holiday. There were some events such as the archery competition and the festeval. They was enjoying those.
     However, in the festival, Mahir's sister, Tara, was kidnapped, and after that they were ,too. One of the kidnappers was the man who had been following Tom and Mahir. He wasa journalist and he wanted Shining Star which is said to be the most precious thing on Earth. He kidnapped them to make Mahir tell him where it is. Mahir took the man to Shining Star to save his best friend and his sister's lives. Finally the man could see what he had been lokking for, but it was different from what he had imagined. The Shining Star was not jewlry or money, actually what he saw was a little boy. This means that in the King of the Snow Leopard, Lives are the most precious and important.
     The lesson of this book is here. We should think our lives to be the most important on Earth. It is not jewelry or money or social states, it is lives!!

Rawstron, E. (2007). The kingdom of the snow leopard. Helbling Languages.


Ricky and the american girl

     " ' Oh, no! ' sighed Ricky. ' I didn't ask her name! ' " (p.20)

     I read a book "Ricky and the american girl" recently. Ricky is a very smart boy and he had never fallen in love someone, I think. He good at culculating in his head and he was always doing like that. Also he is a hero for  his friends because he always teaches them the ways of solving the problems and homework the teachers gave them. And he is liked by his teachers because of his intelligence. He was satisfied with that and he was not interested in anything except for mathematics and computer until he met an american girl.
     One day, on the way his home, he saw a girl who was lost. He was asked the way and told the right direction. Then the girl thanked and walked away down the road, and he was still standing there looking the back of the girl. He fell in love with her. However he noticed he forgot to ask her name, so he fell in love with the girl he didn't know anything. Thence he started thinking of hey always. He could not think about anything except for her.
     Few days after, he gradually became to found the information about her, and he could meet her again. But that was not helpful for improving his love... What this story's ending is like? Could he be together with the girl or couldn't? If you interested in this story, please try this. I have never fallen in love like him.
      I think if we could meet people and things which change our lives completely, that is very fortunate for us, and when I meet something like that, I want to thank it and prize it.

Hobbs, M. (2007). Ricky and the american girl. Helbling Languages.


Jack and the Westbourne Fair

     The poste said that he was missing. And the police were looking for him! (p.37)

     I read a book "Jack and the Westbourne Fair." Jack is mischievous boy, and this is about his bad week. On Monday, he forgot to bring his homework to school, and he was scolded. Tuesday, he was involved introuble for fighting. Wendsday, he failed his experiment in science class because he didn not listen the teacher's explanation about the experiment. Thursday, his mom and dad were angry with him, however, at scool is worse than at home. He was scolded again because he did not submit his homework still. Fryday was the worst day. He stole twoo spray cans and wrote graffiti with them. Then, his wrongdoing came to out and he was scolded. While he was scolded, his friend took out the two cans, and he wrote graffiti on the school's wall. Then, he was wrongly accused, and the headmaster was very angry, and his parents was, too. So, he could not go out. He was grounded, despite the Westbourne Fair was coming to his town and it was his favorite moment of the year. But as I said, he was mischievous boy, so he break his parents's order. He sliped out of his home and he went.
     Then, his adventure started. Many things happen to him and he was in terrible trouble. Through this experience and meeting another important in this story person, he developed mantally and found out some important things in life than having fun.

Hobbs, M. (2009). Jack and the Westbourne Fair. Helbling Languages.

Happy Week

     I'll talk about this week. On Tuesday, I met my best friend and she stayed my house that night. We talked a lot and the next day we...