
The dog and the bone

       " Be happy with what you have." (p.47)

      I read one of Aesop's Fables, " The dog and the bone." The story is good for not only children but also us.
     One day, the dog stole a bone from butcher. He was running away and came to a bridge. Then he saw another dog on the surface of the river's water, and the another dog had a bone too.  The bone seemed to be bigger than his one, so he growled "I want your bone." At the same time he lost his bone from his open mouth. He regretedwhat he has done and he thought that he should not have so greedy. The moral of this story is "Be happy with what you have."
     This moral is tend to be forgotten often, but I think this is very important thing. This book might have made for children, but it is good for us to read books like this sometimes because we tend to forget so simple and so important things in busy lives. These stories tell us what we have to keep remembering.

Waton, C. (2007). Aesop's Fables. London, UK: Usborne.

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